Figure 5. Crystal Structure of Caspase-7 in Complex with Comp-A.
(A) Ball and stick model of the crystal structure of Comp-C. Carbon: yellow; nitrogen: blue; sulfur: gold; copper: orange; bromine: dark red; hydrogen: pink. Atom names are labeled.
(B) Ribbon representation of the structure of caspase-7 in complex with Comp-A. The two p20 and p10 subunits are shown in different shades of green. Comp-A is shown in stick models with chloride atoms in light blue.
(C) Comp-A superimposed with the Fo-Fc difference Fourier density contoured at 3.0 σ.
(D) Surface diagram of caspase-7 (shown with carbon atoms in gray, oxygen atoms in red, nitrogen atoms in blue and sulfur atoms in gold) in complex with stick models of Comp-A bound at the dimerization interface.
(E) Detailed interaction between caspase-7 and Comp-A. The different caspase-7 subunits are shown in shades of green. Carbon atoms are shown in the same shades of green as the subunits.
See also Tables S3.