Figure 5. E10 (HH36) colorectum contains vagal and sacral crest-derived cells.
HNK-1-immunoreactivity reveals neural crest-derived cells in E10 (HH36) colorectum (A,B). At this stage, GFP+ vagal neural crest cells have colonized the entire colorectum. Neither the NoR nor pelvic plexus express GFP. Boxed area in (A) is shown in (C), with a serial section in (D). Double immunofluorescence with GFP and HNK-1 shows both HNK-1+/GFP+ and HNK-1+/GFP- ENCCs in the submucosal plexus (Ci-iii). In the myenteric plexus, Hu+/GFP-enteric neurons were seen (Di-iii). Double arrows denote GFP- sacral crest-derived ENCCs. BF, bursa of Fabricius; cl, cloaca; cr, colorectum; mp, myenteric plexus; NoR, nerve of Remak; pp, pelvic plexus; smp, submucosal plexus