Figure 2.
Flat-map of a macaque brain adapted from Lewis and Van Essen (2000a). (A) The map demonstrates anatomic relations of areas in the parietal lobe of an individual macaque brain. (B) shows the anterior IPS at a higher magnification. Note the location of areas AIP and VIP in the ventral anterior IPS. VIP has been subdivided into a medial (VIPm) and a lateral part (VIPl). AIP lies posteriorly from area 7t and laterally from 5V(ventral). Area VIP is located posteriorly from AIP. Its medial neighbor is 5V followed by area MIP (Medial IntraParietal area) more caudally. CeS – central sulcus, CgS – cingulate sulcus, POS – parieto-occipital sulcus, LuS – lunate sulcus, MIP – medial intraparietal area, LIPv/d – ventral/dorsal part of the lateral intraparietal area, PIP – posterior intraparietal area.