Protein localization. AB2.2 cells that express eGFP-HsRAD51WT, eGFP-HsRAD51K133A, or eGFP-HsRAD51K133R. (A) Chromatin fraction. Screened with anti-HsRAD51 (α-HsRAD51) antibody to detect eGFP-HsRAD51 (top) and MmRAD51 (bottom). Histone H3 is the loading control. α-H3, anti-histone H3. (B) Observation of proteins on or adjacent to the nascent replication strand. Input screened with anti-HsRAD51 antibody (top). Shown are purified nascent DNA-protein complexes screened with anti-HsRAD51 antibody (middle) or with anti-GFP antibody (bottom). NT, no treatment; R, release.