Hyperexcitability in stg thalamic slices can be phenocopied in WT thalamic slices by activating NMDAR. A, Sample traces of thalamic (RTN and VB) WT (Ai) and stg (Aii) control oscillations and oscillations evoked after application of APV (50 μm). ACSF contains low concentrations of magnesium (0.5 mm). Stimulus is indicated by black dot. B, Averaged population responses show low concentrations of magnesium (0.5 mm) selectively prolonged WT oscillation (WT, 1 mm Mg2+, n = 7; WT, 0.5 mm Mg2+, n = 14; stg, 1 mm Mg2+, n = 14; stg, 0.5 mm Mg2+, n = 10). **p < 0.001. ns, Not significant.