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. 2012 Jun 22;97(9):E1686–E1694. doi: 10.1210/jc.2012-1365

Table 2.

Regional effects of cognitive tasks across entire sample

Region Coordinates Z P(FDR corr)
Verbal task
    Left inferior frontal cortex −56, 24, −10 Infinite 0.000
    Right inferior frontal cortex 38, 26, 04 6.2 0.000
    Medial prefrontal cortex −4, 26, 50 Infinite 0.000
    Right prefrontal cortex 52, 22, 30 6.45 0.000
    Left prefrontal cortex −54, 22, 20 7.01 0.000
    Left temporal pole −38, 22, −40 3.24 0.008
    Left parahippocampal gyrus −56, −16, −34 4.18 0.000
    Left parietal cortex −34, −66, 44 4.08 0.000
Visual task
    Medial prefrontal cortex −2, 16, 52 4.73 0.012
    Left prefrontal cortex −52, 10, 28 4.48 0.013
    Right superior parietal cortex 26, −74, 56 3.79 0.026
    Left superior parietal cortex −24, −74, 54 5.11 0.012