Gap junctional communication of Cx32-WT and CMTX mutants in HeLa cells.
A, cells were grown on glass coverslips and scrape-loaded with Lucifer Yellow and Alexa 594-conjugated dextran. Note that control cells were not transfected and no transfer is observed, whereas Lucifer Yellow has transferred from scrape-loaded (red) cells to neighboring cells when transfected with Cx32-WT and all three mutants studied (R219H, R230C, and F235C). B, effect of Cx32 mutation on the gap junctional permeability expressed as the number of fluorescent cells. Cx32-WT, 45 ± 5.7%; Cx32-R219H, 34 ± 6.1%; Cx32-R230C, 30 ± 5.6%; Cx32-F235C, 53 ± 6.1%. Results are the mean ± S.E. values (n = 4). *, significantly (p < 0.05) different as compared with Cx32-WT and Cx32-F235C. Magnification at ×10.