Table 1. Comparison of the effects of random versus exploited species removals on communities FD.
Community | Richness (covariate) | E vs. R (intercept) | Slope | Outcome |
Argentina and Uruguay | 1045.20** | 86.33*** | 24.30*** | Slope R < E |
Atol de las Rocas | 598.55** | 77.36*** | 26.66** | Slope R < E |
Ascension | 7009.90** | 49.19*** | 12.22* | Slope R < E |
Azores Islands | 742.34** | 0.032 | 0.57 | No difference |
Bermuda | 914.80** | 68.90** | 21.95* | Slope R < E |
Canary Islands | 1718.00*** | 82.28*** | 13.28* | Slope R < E |
Carolinian | 770.26** | 99.15** | 30.07** | Slope R < E |
Cape verde | 1933.60** | 43.85** | 11.19* | Slope E < R |
Eastern Caribean | 1301.10** | 437.54*** | 101.19*** | Slope R < E |
Eastern Mediterranean | 567.29** | 374.55*** | 40.41** | Slope R < E |
Fernando Noronha | 2179.30*** | 156.39*** | 25.04** | Slope R < E |
Madeira Islands | 969.58** | 10.93* | 5.27 | R > E |
NE Brazil | 148.79** | 43.43*** | 1.15 | R > E |
NW Africa | 510.67** | 22.02* | 1.44 | E > R |
South Africa – Benguela | 399.27** | 154.14*** | 47.26** | Slope R < E |
South Africa – Cape | 5225.50*** | 1633.60*** | 294.11*** | Slope R < E |
South Africa – Indian Ocean | 2169.50** | 272.21*** | 75.94*** | Slope R < E |
SE Brazil | 881.73** | 71.64** | 9.64* | Slope R < E |
St. Helena | 2950.20** | 8.47 | 0.39 | No difference |
St. Paul Rocks | 300.89** | 17.24* | 10.72* | Slope R < E |
São Tomé | 2516.90*** | 156.24*** | 33.08*** | Slope E < R |
Trinidad | 1155.30** | 55.35* | 13.35* | Slope R < E |
Tropical West Africa | 4181.90*** | 71.71*** | 34.71** | Slope E < R |
Western Caribean | 955.57*** | 532.47*** | 130.84** | Slope R < E |
Western Mediterranean | 3350.30*** | 714.92*** | 117.45*** | Slope R < E |
One-way ANCOVA comparing the slopes and intercepts of regressions (between FD and community richness after the removal of 7, 15, 22 and 29 species) when species were removed by selecting only exploited versus randomly (E vs. R) from the regional species pool. All terms tested against the residual. Table shows only F-values and significance values as * P<0.05, ** P<0.01, and *** P<0.001.