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. 2012 Aug 31;7(8):e44297. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0044297

Table 1. Comparison of the effects of random versus exploited species removals on communities FD.

Community Richness (covariate) E vs. R (intercept) Slope Outcome
Argentina and Uruguay 1045.20** 86.33*** 24.30*** Slope R < E
Atol de las Rocas 598.55** 77.36*** 26.66** Slope R < E
Ascension 7009.90** 49.19*** 12.22* Slope R < E
Azores Islands 742.34** 0.032 0.57 No difference
Bermuda 914.80** 68.90** 21.95* Slope R < E
Canary Islands 1718.00*** 82.28*** 13.28* Slope R < E
Carolinian 770.26** 99.15** 30.07** Slope R < E
Cape verde 1933.60** 43.85** 11.19* Slope E < R
Eastern Caribean 1301.10** 437.54*** 101.19*** Slope R < E
Eastern Mediterranean 567.29** 374.55*** 40.41** Slope R < E
Fernando Noronha 2179.30*** 156.39*** 25.04** Slope R < E
Madeira Islands 969.58** 10.93* 5.27 R > E
NE Brazil 148.79** 43.43*** 1.15 R > E
NW Africa 510.67** 22.02* 1.44 E > R
South Africa – Benguela 399.27** 154.14*** 47.26** Slope R < E
South Africa – Cape 5225.50*** 1633.60*** 294.11*** Slope R < E
South Africa – Indian Ocean 2169.50** 272.21*** 75.94*** Slope R < E
SE Brazil 881.73** 71.64** 9.64* Slope R < E
St. Helena 2950.20** 8.47 0.39 No difference
St. Paul Rocks 300.89** 17.24* 10.72* Slope R < E
São Tomé 2516.90*** 156.24*** 33.08*** Slope E < R
Trinidad 1155.30** 55.35* 13.35* Slope R < E
Tropical West Africa 4181.90*** 71.71*** 34.71** Slope E < R
Western Caribean 955.57*** 532.47*** 130.84** Slope R < E
Western Mediterranean 3350.30*** 714.92*** 117.45*** Slope R < E

One-way ANCOVA comparing the slopes and intercepts of regressions (between FD and community richness after the removal of 7, 15, 22 and 29 species) when species were removed by selecting only exploited versus randomly (E vs. R) from the regional species pool. All terms tested against the residual. Table shows only F-values and significance values as * P<0.05, ** P<0.01, and *** P<0.001.