Figure 2. Inter-subject differences and within-subject stability of VWFA localization.
(A) The VWFA localizer (words > phase-scrambled words, p<10−3) produces areas of significant activation in VOT cortex in left and right hemispheres. The activations are shown for two typical subjects on a single coronal slice (left) and on an inflated cortical surface (right). Blue outlines indicate the boundaries of visual field maps. The black outlines indicate the boundaries of the VWFA and rVWFA regions of interest as defined in the main text. Dotted horizontal lines indicate approximate locations of coronal slices. The MNI y-coordinate (anterior-posterior axis) is indicated next to the coronal slices. VOT cortex is shown from a ventral view (left hemisphere is on right side). Inset at top indicates the magnified region of this ventral view of VOT cortex. (B) The VWFA localizer was repeated four times in the same individual (last scan 16 months after first scan). The VWFA (black boundaries) was defined as significant (p<10−3) activity outside visual field maps (blue boundaries). Only the left hemisphere is shown for simplicity. The measured location of the VWFA is stable over time.