Figure 4. Polymorphisms in the NKC contribute to lung cancer susceptibility and in vitro cytotoxicity of NK cells.
A) Structure of chromosome 6 in the 129/SvEv.B6-NKC Rag2−/−mouse. B) Comparison of lung cancer in urethane-treated wild-type 129/SvEvRag2−/− and 129/SvEv.B6-NKCRag2−/− mice. C) Lysis of LLC lung cancer cell line by freshly isolated 129/SvEvRag2−/− and 129/SvEv.B6-NKCRag2−/− NK cells. Graph representative of three separate 51Cr release experiments demonstrating increased cytotoxicity of NK cells from 129/SvEv.B6-NKCRag2−/− mice compared to those isolated from 129/SvEv Rag2−/− mice. D) In vitro blockade of LLC lysis by B6 NK cells using NKC-specific antibodies (representative of three experiments).