Fig. 1.
Alteration of pathophysiological parameters in LETO and OLETF rats. A, Body weight changes of LETO rats (○, n = 4 for each time point) and OLETF rats (I, n = 8 for each point) during the course of the experiment. B, Plasma glucose AUC of LETO rats (open bars, n = 4 in each time points) and OLETF rats (closed bars, n = 8 in each points) in OGTT. C, Alteration of the pancreatic islet area of LETO (open bars, n = 3 in each time point) and OLETF (closed bars, n = 3 in each time point) in OGTT. Areas of islet (3–46 in each rats) on pancreatic section after HE staining were measured by NIH image software. D–G, Histological features of the glomeruli in LETO rats and OLETF rats. PAS staining demonstrates expansion of mesangial area (arrows) in LETO rat at 10 (D), 27 (E) weeks and in OLETF rats at 19 (F), 27 (G) weeks. Values are mean ± SD. Statistically significant: *p<0.05, **p<0.01 when compared with age-matched LETO rats.