Figure 4.
Principle component analysis (PCA) and hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) of test animal set at 24 h post dose. The 185 probes identified to be co-regulated in liver and blood in the training animal set (patterns 3 and 4 in Figure 3) generally separated animals without liver injury [ALT < 100; circle and diamond in (A,B); red and blue in (C,D)] from those with liver injury [ALT 200-12, 000; triangle in (A,B); green in (C,D)] but had a poor classification of exposure levels, categorized as subtoxic dose [circle in (A,B), red in (A,B)] and toxic dose [diamond and triangle in (A,B), blue and green in (C,D)] in both liver (A,B) and blood (A,B). (A) Liver PCA result; (B) Blood PCA result; (C). Liver HCA result; (D). Blood HCA result. For HCA, samples were grouped by Euclidean distance and average linkage. Legends for (A,B): circle, subtoxic dose; diamond, toxic dose without liver injury; Triangle, toxic dose with liver injury. Legends for (A,B): red, subtoxic dose; Blue, toxic dose without liver injury; Green, toxic dose with liver injury.