Figure 2.
Kaplan-Meier estimates of the impact of MCM3 expression on disease free and melanoma-specific survival. Disease survival in strata according to (a) the fraction of staining, logrank p <0.001, (b) intensity of staining, logrank p =0.001, (c) nuclear score, logrank p < 0.001, and (d) low vs high staining, logrank p < 0.001. Melanoma-specific survival in strata according to (e) the fraction of staining, logrank p <0.001, (f) intensity of staining, logrank p = 0.053, (g) nuclear score, logrank p < 0.003, and (h) high vs low staining, logrank p < 0.001. The nuclear score refers to a multiplier of fraction and intensity. Low MCM3 expression refers to tumours with a nuclear score ≤3 and high expression to tumours with a nuclear score >3.