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. 2012 Jan 12;11(6):M111.014688. doi: 10.1074/mcp.M111.014688

Table I. (A) Clinical profile of patients with malignant gliomas and (B) their CSF profiles. GBM, glioblastoma; AOA, anaplastic oligoastrocytoma; and AA, anaplastic astrocytoma; XRT, radiation therapy; TMZ, temozolomide; and CPT-11, irinotecan. Newly Diagnosed (N), Recurrent (R). Δ(Initial–Sample Date) (time from diagnosis to sample collection). WBC–White Blood Cell Count (number/μl), Protein (mg/dL), Glucose (mg/dL), LDH (International Units/L). T1 GAD–2D tumor size estimate from Gadolinium MRI. FLAIR–2D tumor size estimate from FLAIR MRI.

Patient Age Gender DIAGNOSIS Newly Diagnosed or Recurrent Δ (Initial - Sample Date) (months) Survival (months)
1 61 M GBM N 0 8
2 59 M GBM N 0 9
3 45 F AOA R 34 34
4 67 M GBM R 9 17
5 57 M AOA N 0 21
6 27 F AA R 3 27
7 55 M GBM N 0 37
8 41 F AA R 8 27
9 52 M GBM R 7 18
10 46 F GBM R 12 14
Patient WBC Protein Glucose LDH T1 Gad (cm2) FLAIR (cm2) Δ (FLAIR - T1 Gad) (cm2) Treatment
1 2 23 63 11 1 23.8 22.8
2 2 47 70 9 5.7 37.6 31.9
3 3 209 87 N/A 9 39.1 30.1 XRT, TMZ, Avastin, CPT-11
4 1 96 67 56 23.9 43.6 19.7 XRT, TMZ, ZD6474, NovoTTF
5 2 63 63 19 0.7 11.6 10.9
6 3 61 93 N/A 2.6 3.7 1.1 XRT, TMZ
7 1 51 73 26 1.2 36.5 35.3
8 5 57 77 22 0.6 13.2 12.6 XRT, TMZ, Avastin, CPT-11
9 1 41 63 N/A 17.6 28.5 10.9 XRT, TMZ, NovoTTF
10 4 158 76 56 10.2 37.6 27.4 XRT, TMZ, CPT-11
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