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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2012 Sep 5.
Published in final edited form as: Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2011 Feb 14;144(4):602–611. doi: 10.1177/0194599810394954

Table 3.

Comparisons of differences across children with right unilateral hearing loss (RHL) and left unilateral hearing loss (LHL) with 10 controls.

Region Coordinates Contributing Seeds,LHL Contributing Seeds, RHL Contributing Seeds, both LHL and RHL
Controls > UHL

(−15, −7, m5) R BA41 L Heschl L motor mouth a R BA41
R Heschl L BA41 L motor mouth b R Heschl
dACC/msFC R BA41 L motor handb dACC/msFC
PCC R Heschl R motor hand PCC
L motor handb dACC/msFC R motor mouth L motor hand b
L motor mouth a PCC L motor mouth a
L motor mouth b R frontal L motor mouth b
L sensory cortex L IPL L sensory cortex
R motor mouth Supramarginal gyrus R motor hand
R motor hand L sensory cortex R motor mouth

UHL > Controls

(−55, −30, −10) L Heschl L motor handb L Heschl L Heschl
L BA41 L sensory cortex L BA41 L BA41
R BA41 L motor mouth b L frontal L frontal
R Heschl R motor hand R IPL L dlPFC
L anterior thalamus L dlPFC L motor hand b
R anterior thalamus Supramarginal gyrus R motor hand
L alfO L motor hand b
L frontal R motor hand
L dlPFC R motor mouth
L motor hand a

(38, −32, −25) L Heschl L motor mouth a L Heschl R motor hand L Heschl
L BA41 L motor mouth b dACC/msFC dACC/msFC
R BA41 L sensory cortex LaPFC L IPL
R Heschl R sensory cortex L frontal Supramarginal gyrus
dACC/msFC R motor hand L IPL L motor hand a
R aPFC R motor mouth Supramarginal gyrus L motor mouth b
L dlPFC R sensory cortex L motor hand a L motor mouth a
L IPL R frontal L motor hand b L motor mouth b
L anterior thalamus L motor mouth a L sensory cortex
Supramarginal gyrus L motor mouth b R sensory cortex
L motor hand a L sensory cortex R motor hand
L motor hand b R sensory cortex

(0, −15, 39) PCC L motor mouth a PCC PCC
L dlPFC L motor mouth b L frontal L frontal
L frontal L sensory cortex R frontal R frontal
L IPL R motor hand L dlPFC L dlPFC
L IPS R motor mouth L motor hand b L motor hand b
R frontal L sensory cortex L sensory cortex
R IPS L motor mouth a L motor mouth a
L motor hand a L motor mouth b L motor mouth b
L motor hand b R sensory cortx
Key for contributing regions: Auditory CingOpercular Default FrontoParietal Sensorimotor Phonological

BA41, Brodmann's Area 41; dACC/msFC, dorsal anterior cingulate cortex/medial superior frontal cortex; PFC, prefrontal cortex; PCC, posterior cingulate cortex; IPL, inferior parietal lobule; aIfO, anterior insula/frontal operculum; dlPFC, dorsolateral PFC; aPFC, anterior PFC.