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. 2012 Sep 5;7(9):e44277. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0044277

Table 2. Primary studies and systematic reviews evaluating chlorhexidine-containing antiseptics for the prevention of intravascular catheter-associated infections.

Referencea Study designb Antiseptics comparedc Outcomes catheter colonisationd Outcomes CR-BSId Comments Attributione
Maki et al. 1991 [28] (C) RCT; CVCs, ACs; insertion and maintenance A: CHG aq 2%; B: PVI aq 10%; C: IPA 70% A: 5/214; B: 21/227; C: 11/227; only A:B p<0.05 A: 1/214; B: 6/227; C: 3/227; all NS Seminal study; only arms A vs B in colonisation significant Not applicable
Sheehan et al. 1993 [29] (C) RCT; CVCs, ACs; insertion and maintenance A: CHG aq 2%; B: PVI aq 10% A: 3/169; B: 12/177; p<0.05 A: 1/169; B: 1/177; NS Conference abstract; colonisation significant Not applicable
Garland et al. 1995 [30] Non-RCT; PVCs; only insertion, not maintenancef A: CHG 2% + IPA 70%; B: PVI aq 10% A: 20/418; B: 38/408; p<0.05 A: 2/418; B: 0/408; NS Only colonisation significant Incorrect
Meffre et al. 1996 [31] (C) RCT; PVCs; insertion and maintenance A: CHG 0.5% + ALC (?%); B: PVI aq 10% A: 9/568; B: 22/549; p<0.05 A: 3/568; B: 3/549; NS Conference abstract; colonisation significant Correct
Mimoz et al. 1996 [32] (C) RCT; CVCs, ACs; insertion and maintenance A: CHG 0.25% + BAK 0.025% + BALC 4%; B: PVI aq 10% A: 12/170; B: 24/145; p<0.05 A: 3/170; B: 3/145; NS Synergistic combination of three antiseptics in arm A Correct
Legras et al. 1997 [33] (C) RCT; CVCs, ACs; insertion and maintenance A: CHG 0.5% + ALC (?%); B: PVI aq 10% A: 19/179; B: 31/224; NS A: 0/208; B: 4/249; NS Differences non-significant Intermediate
Cobbett and LeBlanc 2000 [34] (C) RCT; PVCs; insertion yes, maintenance not specified A: CHG 0.5% + IPA 70%; B: ALC (?%) seq PVI aq 10%; C: PVI aq 10% seq ALC (?%) A: 6/83; B: 12/80; C: 11/81; All NS ND Differences non-significant, also when B and C pooled vs A Correct
Humar et al. 2000 [35] (C) RCT; CVCs; insertion and maintenance A: CHG 0.5% + ALC (?%); B: PVI aq 10% A: 36/116; B: 27/116; NS A: 4/193; B: 5/181; NS Differences non-significant; sole study with slight disadvantage of CHG + ALC vs PVI aq Intermediate
Maki et al. 2001 [36] (C) RCT; CVCs, PICCs, ACs; insertion and maintenance A: CHG 1% + ALC 75%; B: PVI aq 10% A: 43/422; B: 192/617; p<0.05 A: 4/422; B: 23/617; p<0.05 Largest study; biggest difference between study arms Intermediate
Langgartner et al. 2004 [37] (R) RCT; CVCs; insertion was studied; maintenance all with CHG + ALC A: CHG 0.5% + IPA 70%; B: PVI aq 10%; C: CHG 0.5% + IPA 70% seq PVI aq 10% A: 11/45; B: 16/52; C: 2/43; A:C, B:C p<0.05 ND Arm C (sequential protocol) significantly better than A or B Correct
Astle and Jensen 2005 [38] (R) RCT; CVCs (hemodialysis); insertion and maintenance A: CHG 0.5% + IPA 70%; B: ExSept ND A: 1/64; B: 1/57; NS Study did not report catheter colonisation Incorrect
Kelly et al. 2005 [39] RCT; CVCs, ACs; insertion and maintenance A: CHG 2% + IPA 70%; B: PVI aq 10% A: 4/82; B: 15/82; p<0.05 A: 1/82; B: 8/82; p<0.05 Conference abstract; alcohol in arm A only revealed by correspondence Incorrect
Balamongkhon et al. 2007 [40] Non-RCT; insertion and maintenancef A: CHG 2% + ETH 70%; B: PVI aq 10% ND A: 3/120; B: 7/192; NS Weak study design, difference non-significant Intermediate
Mimoz et al. 2007 [41] (R) RCT; CVCs; insertion and maintenance A: CHG 0.25% + BAK 0.025% + BALC 4%; B: PVI 5% + ETH 70% A: 28/242; B: 53/239; p<0.05 A: 4/242; B: 10/239; NS Rare study with PVI-alcohol; difference for colonisation significant Intermediate
Small et al. 2008 [42] (R) RCT; PVCs; only insertion, not maintenance A: CHG 2% + IPA 70%; B: IPA 70% A: 18/91; B: 39/79; p<0.05 ND Significant difference; but mean colony counts lower in IPA alone group Correct
Vallés et al. 2008 [43] (R) RCT; CVCs, ACs; insertion and maintenance A: CHG 2% + ALC (?%); B: CHG 2% aq; C: PVI aq 10% A: 34/226; B: 38/211; C: 48/194; only A:C p<0.05 A: 9/226; B: 9/211; C: 9/194; all NS Only difference in arms A vs C in colonisation significant Correct
Garland et al. 2009 [44] RCT; PICCs; insertion and maintenance A: CHG 0.5% + ALC (?%); B: PVI aq 10% A: 3/24; B: 1/24; NS A: 0/24; B: 0/24; NS Small study; focus on skin tolerability in neonates Incorrect
Ishizuka et al. 2009 [45] Non-RCT; CVCs; insertion studied; maintenance all PVI aqf A: CHG aq 0.05%; B: PVI aq 10% ND A: 14/286; B: 6/298; NS CHG concentration very unusually low Not applicable
Chaiyakunapruk et al. 2002 [46] Systematic review 8 eligible trials, 2 with CHG aq, 1 with CHG plus other compounds, 5 with CHG + ALC; comparator for all PVI aq 10% Relative risk for CHG-containing vs PVI aq was about 0.5 (50%) for colonisation and CR-BSI See comments under colonisation Seminal review; basis for multiple recommendations; only CHG + ALC but not CHG aq significant in CR-BSI Incorrect
Rickard and Ray-Barruel 2010 [47] Systematic review 7 eligible trials, 5 examined any CHG-containing antiseptic prior to catheter insertion Any CHG vs any others performed significantly better in colonisation but not in CR-BSI; same for any CHG vs any PVI See comments under colonisation Article available on internet; part of Australian national infection control guidelines Intermediate

ACs, arterial catheters; ALC, alcohol (when alcohol type not known); aq, aqueous; BAK, benzalkonium chloride; BALC, benzyl alcohol; CHG, chlorhexidine gluconate; CR-BSI, catheter-related bloodstream infection; CVCs, central venous catheters; ETH, ethanol; IPA, isopropanol; ND, not determined; PICCs, peripherally inserted central venous catheters; PVCs, peripheral venous catheters; PVI, povidone iodine; RCT, randomised clinical trial; seq, sequential application; vs, versus; ?%, percentage not specified.


Annotation with (C) or (R) denotes whether original studies were included in the systematic reviews of Chaiyakunapruk et al [46] (C) or Rickard and Ray-Barruel [47] (R).


Mention of insertion and maintenance refers to whether the assigned study antiseptic was used prior to catheter insertion only, or both, for insertion and maintenance.


A, B, and C denote different study arms.


Outcome: number of catheters colonised or CR-BSIs per catheters inserted in each study arm. Significance is indicated either by NS (not significant) or p<0.05 (when significant).


Attribution: assesses whether study outcomes derived from alcohol plus CHG were attributed to CHG alone by authors.


These studies were classified as non-randomised cluster cross-over trials. They had been conducted by prospective sequential implementation of different antiseptic regimens in clinical units.