Table 3.
Apparent pKa of the Essential Residue at Free ScOMPDC and at the Enzyme Liganded by OMP, UMP and F-UMP in D2O at 25 °C and I = 0.1 (NaCl).
pKa of the essential group at the free enzyme (Scheme 6).
pKa of the essential group at the E•S complex (Scheme 6).
Determined from the pH-rate profiles of kcat/Km (for pKE) and kcat (for pKES) for decarboxylation of OMP in H2O [Ref. 2]. The pKas in D2O were estimated from the values in H2O and the 0.6 unit higher pKas of ammonium ions in D2O than in H2O [Ref. 38].
Determined from the pD-rate profile for kex/Kd for deuterium exchange into F-UMP (Figure 4).
Determined from the pD-rate profile for kex for deuterium exchange into UMP (Figure 5B).
Determined from the pD-rate profile for kex for deuterium exchange into F-UMP (Figure 5A).