Fig. 7.
Indistinguishable photoresponses of WT and S100B KO rods under conditions designed to raise intracellular Ca2+. (A) Averaged responses of the WT rod photoreceptor (upper panel) and a S100B KO rod photoreceptor (lower panel) to flashes of: 6, 13, 27, 51, 199, 827 and 3232 photons µm-2 for both rods. Maximal response amplitudes were 2.6 and 3 pA, respectively. Flash monitor is shown as the bottom trace. (B) Stimulus-response relations for the rods from A, WT (black symbols) and S100B KO (gray symbols); some saturated-response points were omitted from each rod for illustrative purposes. i0.5 was 12 and 14 photons µm-2 for the WT and S100B KO, respectively. (C) Pepperberg plot for WT (black symbols) and S100B KO (gray symbols) rods. Values for τc, given from linear regression (continuous lines), were 194 ms for the 6 WT and 180 ms for 3 S100B KO. The Pearson product moment correlation coefficients for the WT and S100B KO rods were 0.84 and 0.88, respectively.