Fig. 8.
Time constants of dynamic range adaptation estimated by the dual-adaptation AN model. A: the shift time constants of the model compared with those of the data. For upward switches, there are 13 AN fibers with which we were able to estimate the shift time course directly from neural data and the model met the goodness-of-fit criterion. For downward switches, there are 24 such fibers. B: the shift time constants predicted by the model for AN fibers with good model fitting results (n = 40) plotted against the model-predicted average rate time constant. The straight line is the fitted curve in the orthogonal least-squares sense (i.e., type II linear regression for 2 variables both dependent or having errors) for all data points with the outliers excluded (only 1 data point was excluded for which the model average time constant is smaller than 20 ms, which is well below the analysis time bin, 50 ms); the slope of the line is 0.76.