Fig 7.
Length of imported DNA flanking the cat cassette following transformation with chromosomal DNA from donor H. pylori strains. The J99-derived donor HPXZ627 was used to transform H. pylori 26695 (A) or 26695-REd (B). The values above the bars indicate the distance (in bp) from the cat cassette to the recombination endpoints (red arrows), as determined by sequence analysis. The numbers reflect the distance from the nearest cassette boundary; the range reflects the locations of informative single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). Sequences corresponding to J99 are colored blue, those corresponding to 26695 are colored yellow, and those corresponding to 60190, which are from pAD1-Cat that flank the cat cassette, are colored red. All of the H. pylori 26695-strain specific HpyAII and HpyAV restriction sites on donor DNA are indicated. HpyAII cleavage sites (GAAGA N8/N7↓) are indicated by blue | lines, and HpyAV cleavage sites (CCTTCN6/N5↓) are indicated by red | lines. Within the ∼4-kb flanking region on each side of the cat cassette, 26 restriction sites (17 HpyAII sites and 9 HpyAV sites) are present in the downstream flanking region, and 16 restriction sites (15 HpyAII sites and 1 HpyAV site) are present in the upstream flanking region. A high-density region of restriction sites (with 7 HpyAII sites within 156 bp) is present ca. 1,744 to 1,899 bp upstream of the cat cassette and is indicated by an asterisk (*).