Fig. 3.
STAT3 knockdown in thyroid cancer cell lines enhances their tumorigenic capacity. (A) 8505C (106 cells), TPC-1 (106 cells), and HTH-7 (107 cells) were s.c. coinjected with Matrigel in female athymic nude mice (n = 10 tumors/cell line), and tumor volume was estimated at 5 (8505C and TPC-1) or 3 (HTH-7) wk (mean ± SEM). (B) Representative sections from shCT and shSTAT3 tumor sections stained for pY-STAT3. Quantification of tumor pY-STAT3 levels (n ≥ 3) is on the right. (Magnification: 100×.) ***P < 0.0001.