Figure 3. Stability of DNA methylation in DICER1-deficient ES cells.
Methylation-sensitive Southern blots. Details are provided in the legend to Figure 1, except that later passage (LP) cells were also used. Passage (p) numbers were: +/+, EP (p8), c/−, EP (p7), c/−, L (p24), −/− 1, EP and −/− 2, EP (p5), −/− 1, LP and −/− 2, LP (p20). Generally, a single passage for +/+ and c/− lines lasted 3 days, while for −/− cells a single passage lasted 5 days. The restriction enzyme and its recognition sequence are at the bottom right of each plate. At CCGG sites, HpaII cuts only when the CpG dyad is unmethylated. The isoschizomer MspI can cut when the CpG dyad is fully, hemi- or unmethylated.