Table 1.
Malaria diagnoses and treatment summary statistics
Kazungula District | Mumbwa District | Mwense District | Total | |||||
Pre | Post | Pre | Post | Pre | Post | Pre | Post | |
Total facilities with any report | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 5 | 5 | 25 | 25 |
Facility months of data | 196 | 312 | 267 | 310 | 124 | 90 | 587 | 712 |
Total OPD patients per facility month | 513.7 (144.8) [215–813] | 385.5 (70.2) [241–530] | 768.6 (220.6) [313–1224] | 722.3 (193.0) [324–1121] | 740.1 (221.9) [282–1198] | 761.8 (178.9) [393–1131] | 678.3* (120.2) [430–926] | 580.1* (100.2) [373–787] |
RDT tests per facility month | NA | 22.8 (3.7) [15.1–30.4] | NA | 29.3 (4.3) [20.4–38.1] | NA | 289.9 (99.3) [84.9–494.8] | NA | 60.6 (20.0) [19.3–101.9] |
RDT positives per facility month | NA | 2.6 (0.59) [1.4–3.8] | NA | 4.8 (1.7) [1.2–8.4] | NA | 125.7 (40.0) [43.2–208.3] | NA | 19.9 (8.9) [1.6–38.3] |
Malaria diagnoses per facility month | 134.0† (32.1) [67.6–200.3] | 29.2† (11.3) [6.0–52.5] | 213.6† (79.6) [49.3–377.9] | 36.2† (19.0) [3.1–75.5] | 331.1 (110.1) [104.0–558.3] | 300.1 (74.2) [146.9–453.3] | 212.0† (44.8) [119.5–304.5] | 65.3† (18.9) [26.2–104.4] |
SP doses per month | 50.1† (11.4) [26.5–73.7] | 8.0† (3.3) [1.1–14.8] | 77.4† (14.4) [47.7–107.1] | 12.8† (4.3) [3.9–21.6] | 63.2† (17.0) [28.0–98.4] | 34.7† (16.9) [×0.1–69.5] | 65.2† (8.7) [47.3–83.2 | 13.5† (3.4) [6.4–20.5] |
ACT doses per month | 55.3* (22.6) [8.6–102.0] | 12.2* (3.8) [4.3–20.0] | 28.2† (6.1) [15.7-40.7] | 11.1† (3.2) [4.5–17.8] | 82.3† (30.5) [19.3–145.3] | 129.0† (13.3) [101.5–156.5] | 50.2† (12.1) [11.8–41.4] | 26.6† (7.2) [11.8–41.4] |
Total antimalarials per month | 82.8† (16.7) [48.4–117.3] | 21.0† (8.2) [4.2–37.9] | 104.5† (15.0) [73.5–135.4] | 25.5† (8.2) [8.7–42.4] | 149.0† (30.0) [87.1–210.9] | 185.5† (27.9) [128.0–243.0] | 109.3† (11.6) [85.2–133.3] | 45.4† (11.3) [22.1–68.8] |
ACT/SP doses per facility month‡ | 62.5†* (23.4) [14.2-110.8] | 12.2† (3.8) [4.3–20.0] | 54.7† (6.3) [41.7–67.8] | 11.1† (3.2) [4.5–17.8] | 95.7* (27.1) [39.7–151.6] | 129.0* (13.3) [101.5–156.5] | 66.1† (10.3) [44.7–87.4] | 226.6† (7.2) [11.8–41.4] |
Indicates significant difference at 10% level between pre and post rapid diagnostic test (RDT) period after adjusting for clustering.
Indicates significant difference at 5% level between pre and post RDT period after adjusting for clustering.
Artemisinin-based combination therapy/sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine (ACT/SP) doses were calculated based on SP treatment doses before a facility-specific switch to ACTs and ACT doses provided after the switch.
Value (Standard Error) [95% Confidence Interval]. OPD = out-patient department.