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. 2012 Sep 5;87(3):437–446. doi: 10.4269/ajtmh.2012.12-0127

Table 1.

Malaria diagnoses and treatment summary statistics

Kazungula District Mumbwa District Mwense District Total
Pre Post Pre Post Pre Post Pre Post
Total facilities with any report 10 10 10 10 5 5 25 25
Facility months of data 196 312 267 310 124 90 587 712
Total OPD patients per facility month 513.7 (144.8) [215–813] 385.5 (70.2) [241–530] 768.6 (220.6) [313–1224] 722.3 (193.0) [324–1121] 740.1 (221.9) [282–1198] 761.8 (178.9) [393–1131] 678.3* (120.2) [430–926] 580.1* (100.2) [373–787]
RDT tests per facility month NA 22.8 (3.7) [15.1–30.4] NA 29.3 (4.3) [20.4–38.1] NA 289.9 (99.3) [84.9–494.8] NA 60.6 (20.0) [19.3–101.9]
RDT positives per facility month NA 2.6 (0.59) [1.4–3.8] NA 4.8 (1.7) [1.2–8.4] NA 125.7 (40.0) [43.2–208.3] NA 19.9 (8.9) [1.6–38.3]
Malaria diagnoses per facility month 134.0 (32.1) [67.6–200.3] 29.2 (11.3) [6.0–52.5] 213.6 (79.6) [49.3–377.9] 36.2 (19.0) [3.1–75.5] 331.1 (110.1) [104.0–558.3] 300.1 (74.2) [146.9–453.3] 212.0 (44.8) [119.5–304.5] 65.3 (18.9) [26.2–104.4]
SP doses per month 50.1 (11.4) [26.5–73.7] 8.0 (3.3) [1.1–14.8] 77.4 (14.4) [47.7–107.1] 12.8 (4.3) [3.9–21.6] 63.2 (17.0) [28.0–98.4] 34.7 (16.9) [×0.1–69.5] 65.2 (8.7) [47.3–83.2 13.5 (3.4) [6.4–20.5]
ACT doses per month 55.3* (22.6) [8.6–102.0] 12.2* (3.8) [4.3–20.0] 28.2 (6.1) [15.7-40.7] 11.1 (3.2) [4.5–17.8] 82.3 (30.5) [19.3–145.3] 129.0 (13.3) [101.5–156.5] 50.2 (12.1) [11.8–41.4] 26.6 (7.2) [11.8–41.4]
Total antimalarials per month 82.8 (16.7) [48.4–117.3] 21.0 (8.2) [4.2–37.9] 104.5 (15.0) [73.5–135.4] 25.5 (8.2) [8.7–42.4] 149.0 (30.0) [87.1–210.9] 185.5 (27.9) [128.0–243.0] 109.3 (11.6) [85.2–133.3] 45.4 (11.3) [22.1–68.8]
ACT/SP doses per facility month 62.5* (23.4) [14.2-110.8] 12.2 (3.8) [4.3–20.0] 54.7 (6.3) [41.7–67.8] 11.1 (3.2) [4.5–17.8] 95.7* (27.1) [39.7–151.6] 129.0* (13.3) [101.5–156.5] 66.1 (10.3) [44.7–87.4] 226.6 (7.2) [11.8–41.4]

Indicates significant difference at 10% level between pre and post rapid diagnostic test (RDT) period after adjusting for clustering.

Indicates significant difference at 5% level between pre and post RDT period after adjusting for clustering.

Artemisinin-based combination therapy/sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine (ACT/SP) doses were calculated based on SP treatment doses before a facility-specific switch to ACTs and ACT doses provided after the switch.

Value (Standard Error) [95% Confidence Interval]. OPD = out-patient department.