Figure 3.
Cortical activation differences while contrasting simulated maximum concentric and eccentric contractions. Motor cortex, BA 6/4 (A,B) as well as BA 6 (C), showed increased signal change during the simulated concentric contractions in comparison with the simulated eccentric contractions. When comparing the signal change to mean of session it was shown that during the eccentric contractions these regions were instead reduced possibly reflecting a suppressing mechanism involving the cortex. There was also motor recruitment within the cerebellum for the concentric contractions when compared to the eccentric contraction (D). Pre-frontal cortex, BA 44 (E) was recruited during the simulated eccentric contractions in comparison with the simulated concentric contractions, possibly reflecting the additional control that is required during eccentric movements and its importance in regulating force. Bars indicate the percentage signal change relative mean of session, error bars are standard error, and coordinates are in MNI-space.