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. 2012 Aug 8;2(1):286–297. doi: 10.1159/000339730

Table 1.

Details of scale type and vocal prompt for cognitive examination

Cognitive assessment Scale type No. of levels Example of prompt/action
Fragmented letters Ordinal 4 Can you see any letters here?
Calculation Ordinal Ordinal 5 What is 5 + 4?
Spelling Ordinal 7 Can you spell the word build?
Fragmented objects Ordinal 5 Can you see any objects here?
Words beginning with letter Ordinal 31 Can you give me as many words beginning with the letter ‘F’ as possible?
Copying gestures Ordinal 4 Can you copy these shapes with your hand?
Digit span Ordinal 6 Can you repeat these numbers after me?
Memory Ordinal 4 What is your name?
Line drawings Ordinal 11 Can you tell me what these drawings are?
Recall Ordinal 4 Can you tell me everything you can remember about the passage you read?
Frontal lobe sequencing Ordinal 4 Can you copy this?
Proverbs Categorical 3 Can you tell me what ‘Too many cooks spoil the broth’ means?
Letter cancelling Ordinal 13 Can you show me all the letter As?
Miming Ordinal 4 Show me how you brush your hair?
Reading passage Ordinal 4 Can you read this passage out for me?