Fig. 3.
Phenotypes of flies expressing Irk2DN. (A,B) Graphs of adult (A) and larval (B) survival of actin-GAL4 UAS-Irk2WT, actin-GAL4 UAS-Irk2DN and siblings without transgene. Error bars indicate s.e.m. (C) L2-3 fusion in wing from MS1096-GAL4 Irk2DN5.1 female at 25°C. (D) Bifurcated wing from MS1096-GAL4 Irk2DN5.1 at 25°C. (E) engrailed-GAL4 UAS-irk2WT. (F) Wing of MS1096-GAL4 Irk2DN5.1 male at 25°C. (G) MS1096-GAL4 UAS Irk2DN5.1 at 29°C. (H) engrailed-GAL4 UAS Irk2DN5.1 at 25°C.