Expression of JNKBP1 in various cell lines and in intestine mucosa. A, JNKBP1 expression in different cell lines. mRNA from the indicated cell lines was extracted, and JNKBP1 mRNA levels were measured by quantitative RT-PCR. The HPRT1 transcript was used as an internal standard. *, JNKBP1 and NOD2 expression and localization in human intestine mucosa. I, immunohistochemical staining of JNKBP1 in healthy intestine (magnification ×100). EC, epithelial cells; V, endothelial cells; SM, smooth muscle; I, immune cells. II, healthy intestine (magnification ×100), negative control without anti-JNKBP1 antibody. III, immunohistochemical staining of NOD2 in healthy intestinal tissue (magnification ×100). IV, negative control without anti-NOD2 antibody. V, staining of JNKBP1 in intestinal epithelial cells and crypts from colonic epithelium of a CD patient (magnification ×200). VI, NOD2 staining in crypts from colonic epithelium of a CD patient (magnification ×400). VII–IX, JNKBP1 and NOD2 are co-expressed in monocytes-macrophages (M). Shown is immunohistochemical labeling of JNKBP1 (magnification ×200) (VII), NOD2 (VIII), and CD68 (IX) in colonic mucosa of a CD patient. X, immunohistochemical staining of JNKBP1 in lymphocytes of CD patient colonic mucosa (magnification ×400). All sections were counterstained with hematoxylin. Representative pictures are shown from 20 healthy and CD patients, values represent the means ± S.D. (error bars) of duplicate cultures.