Table 1.
Comparison of the functional and morphological studies of gelsolin and ADF/cofilin
Experimental method | Gelsolin | ADF/cofilin |
Purified proteins | Ca2+-sensitive, severs actin filaments, caps barbed end. Severing and capping increases free pointed ends, binds actin with very high affinity, and dissociates phalloidin from actin filaments. | pH-sensitive, weakly severs actin filaments, increases pointed end off rate. Severing increases free pointed and barbed ends, binds actin with lower affinity, and dissociates phalloidin from actin filaments. |
Extracts | Serial platelet extracts demonstrate binding and dissociation of gelsolin from actin immediately after agonist exposure. | Increased depolymerization rate of Listeria actin rocket tails in Xenopus extract, increased dissociation of pointed end in platelet extracts. |
Whole cells | Localized to Listeria rocket tails, overexpression increases the speed of Listeria and increases fibroblast chemotaxis | Localized to Listeria rocket tails, overexpression in fibroblasts causes rounding of cells, increases chemotaxis in Dictyostelium. |
Mouse knockout experiments | Decreased chemotaxis of neutrophils, defective platelet function, abnormal stress fibers in fibroblasts, defective retraction of neurites, increased susceptibility to ischemic brain damage, and defective podosome formation in osteoclasts. | Not done. |
See text for references.