Long term Neu5Gc-glycoprotein feeding leads to metabolic incorporation of Neu5Gc with a human-like tissue distribution II.
A and B, Cmah−/− mice were fed with Neu5Gc-glycoprotein for 3 weeks (A) or 10 weeks (B). At sacrifice, the animals were perfused with collagenase, and organs were dissociated and stained with αNeu5Gc IgY. Flow cytometric analysis showed positive staining for Neu5Gc in Neu5Gc-glycoprotein-fed mice (red traces) above levels seen with non-fed Cmah−/− controls (blue traces) at 4 weeks of feeding (A) and increased further at 10 weeks of feeding (B). Most Neu5Gc-positive events from heart, aorta, and small intestine co-stained with a marker for endothelium (CD31), although Neu5Gc-positive events in the liver co-stained with a marker for hepatocytes (albumin). Tissues from Cmah+/+mice were used as positive controls and for comparison (green traces). These results are representative results from Neu5Gc feeding courses that were repeated at least three times on Cmah−/− animals, staining three Neu5Gc-glycoprotein-fed mice per feeding time point.