Shh reverses anoikis induced by DIM. A, representative blots of Shh and Gli1 from lysates collected from A2780 (i) and OVCAR-429 cells (ii) exposed to 10 ng/ml Shh for 24 h under suspension culture conditions. B, representative bar graphs showing percentage anoikis resistance in cells treated under suspension culture conditions with DMSO, 50 μm DIM alone, or in combination with Shh in A2780 (i), OVCAR-429 (ii), SKOV-3 (iii), and TOV-21G cells (iv). *, p < 0.05 compared with control; #, p < 0.05 compared with DIM treatment. Error bars, S.D. C, representative blots of Gli1 and Cl-PARP from lysates collected from cells treated under suspension culture conditions with DMSO or DIM in the presence or absence of Shh. Actin was used as loading control.