Results of synchronized EuroFlow experiments performed on different centers and instruments. (a) Box plot representations of mean fluorescence intensity (MFI) values observed for all antigens evaluated in the eight gated subsets of peripheral blood (PB) monocytes and lymphocytes from 30 healthy donor PB samples. Results corresponding to a total of 30 merged data files are displayed. (b) Principal component (PC)1 versus PC2 view (automatic population separator (APS) 1 view) of individual cellular events of the cell populations depicted in a; the median values of each gated subset (circles) are color-coded as follows: B-cells, red; CD4+/CD27+ memory T-cells, light blue; CD4+/CD27− T-cells, dark blue; CD8hi/CD27+ memory T-cells, dark green; CD8hi/CD27− T-cells, light green; CD3+/CD4− and CD8− T-cells, violet; NK-cells, yellow and monocytes, orange. (c) APS1 view of a single stabilized peripheral blood sample measured in 8 different EuroFlow laboratories for illustration of intra-donor variability (color coding is the same as in b). In a, results are displayed as box plots, where the line in the middle represents median values, the upper and lower limits of the box represent the 75th and 25th percentiles, respectively, and the upper and lower ends of vertical lines represent the 95% confidence interval. In b, each population is represented as a circle surrounded by dots corresponding to median values of median expression for all immunophenotypic parameters measured and to individual cells, respectively.