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. 2012 Aug 29;2012:236572. doi: 10.1155/2012/236572

Table 2.

Multiple-regression analysis of clinical, molecular, and biochemical features of IPAH patients.

PGC-1α 0.15585 0.03470 0.00041 0.04289 0.00625 0.00012 0.00277 0.00206 0.00010 0.00618 P values
6 MWT 0.15585 0.00451 0.07089 0.70377 0.55674 0.06251 0.12445 0.01532 0.09516 0.01279
Age 0.03470 0.00451 0.04786 0.35841 0.31914 0.03581 0.04786 0.03317 0.01683 0.01097
PAP 0.00041 0.07089 0.04786 0.00791 0.00824 0.00000 0.00033 0.00136 0.00095 0.00705
CI 0.04289 0.70377 0.35841 0.00791 0.00053 0.01155 0.01412 0.26858 0.10484 0.06642
PVR 0.00625 0.55674 0.31914 0.00824 0.00053 0.00136 0.04461 0.05484 0.01025 0.07415
CYTC 0.00012 0.06251 0.03581 0.00000 0.01155 0.00136 0.00136 0.00015 0.00008 0.00209
SOD 0.00277 0.12445 0.04786 0.00033 0.01412 0.04461 0.00136 0.01391 0.00736 0.00038
TAS 0.00206 0.01532 0.03317 0.00136 0.26858 0.05484 0.00015 0.01391 0.00033 0.00401
GPX 0.00010 0.09516 0.01683 0.00095 0.10484 0.01025 0.00008 0.00736 0.00033 0.00554
PaO2 0.00618 0.01279 0.01097 0.00705 0.06642 0.07415 0.00209 0.00038 0.00401 0.00554

PGC-1α 0.43663 −0.61973 −0.87326 0.60071 −0.75354 0.92960 0.78171 0.79579 0.95073 0.73852 Correlation coefficients
6 MWT 0.43663 −0.75524 −0.53846 0.12281 −0.18881 0.55245 0.46853 0.67832 0.50350 0.69123
Age −0.61973 −0.75524 0.58042 −0.29123 0.31469 −0.60839 −0.58042 −0.61538 −0.67133 −0.70176
PAP −0.87326 −0.53846 0.58042 −0.72281 0.72028 −0.94406 −0.86014 −0.81119 −0.82517 −0.72983
CI 0.60071 0.12281 −0.29123 −0.72281 −0.84562 0.69825 0.68421 0.34737 0.49123 0.54577
PVR −0.75354 −0.18881 0.31469 0.72028 −0.84562 −0.81119 −0.58741 −0.56643 −0.70629 −0.53334
CYTC 0.92960 0.55245 −0.60839 −0.94406 0.69825 −0.81119 0.81119 0.88112 0.89510 0.79299
SOD 0.78171 0.46853 −0.58042 −0.86014 0.68421 −0.58741 0.81119 0.68531 0.72727 0.85615
TAS 0.79579 0.67832 −0.61538 −0.81119 0.34737 −0.56643 0.88112 0.68531 0.86014 0.76141
GPX 0.95073 0.50350 −0.67133 −0.82517 0.49123 −0.70629 0.89510 0.72727 0.86014 0.74386
PaO2 0.73852 0.69123 −0.70176 −0.72983 0.54577 −0.53334 0.79299 0.85615 0.76141 0.74386

PaO2: partial pressure of oxygen in arterial blood, 6 MWT: 6-minute walk test, PAP: pulmonary arterial pressure, CI: cardiac index, PVR: pulmonary vascular resistance, VR: vasoreactivity, PGC-1α: peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma coactivator 1-α, RE: relative mRNA expression, CYTC: cytochrome c, SOD: superoxide dismutase, TAS: total antioxidant status, GPX: glutathione peroxidase.