Fig. 4.
SR in the folding and unfolding transitions of P5GA under time dependent tension f + δf sin(Ωt). (A) Time trajectories and (B) folding time distributions pfold(t) with f = 17 pN and δf = 1.4 pN at TΩ = 0.16 ms, 10.24 ms, and 40.96 ms are shown. The synchronization (SR condition) occurs around , as shown in (A- 2). The inset in (B- 2) depicts the power spectrum S(ν), showing the sharpest peak at ν = 1/TSR ≈ 0.1 ms-1. (C) Mean folding time τF and measure of coherence P1 as a function of TΩ. (D) Mean unfolding time τU and measure of coherence P1 as a function of TΩ with f = 13 pN and δf = 1.4 pN. Note that the SR and RA conditions are made at different TΩs in C and D.