(A) TFII-I and BEN bind to the promoters of Ednra, Edn1, Sox2, Sox3, Hoxa1 and Gata3 implicated in neural crest and craniofacial development. (B) TFII-I occupies the promoters of Emx1, Emx2, Zic1 and Neurod4 involved in brain development. The notation and labeling are as in Figure 2B. (C) TFII-I and BEN occupy the promoter regions of the HoxA cluster (Hoxa1, Hoxa7 and Hoxa13) in mouse ESCs and ETs. (D) TFII-I and BEN recognize the same cis-regulatory element in the promoters of Dicer, Cdx2 and Olfr480 in stem cells and embryonic tissues. (E) TFII-I binds to the promoters of Twist1, Snail2, Ezh2 and Nsd1 (red lines) in ESCs, although BEN does not bind to these promoters (blue lines). siRNA-mediated knockdown of TFII-I down-regulates expression of Twist, Snail1, Ezh2 and Nsd1 in embryonic neural crest cells (JoMa1.3 line). Error bars represent the standard deviation calculated from three independent knockdown experiments.