Figure 4. Specific histidine residues are important for NO· resistance and metal binding in STM1808.
A. S. Typhimurium cultures were grown in LB with (open symbols) or without (closed symbols) the addition of 5mM Sper/NO and growth monitored by measuring OD600 for 24h. Wild-type (black circles), ΔSTM1808 (purples squares), STM1808-H31A (red up triangles), STM1808-H32A (light purple down triangles), STM1808-H82A (light blue diamonds), STM1808-H95A (yellow diamonds) and STM1808-H102A (green squares). B. Metal determination of purified GST, GST-STM1808 and GST-STM1808-H82A by ICP-MS. Values represent three independent protein isolations. P-value was calculated using the Wilcoxon Rank-Sum Test.