Fig. 3.
Quantitative sensory test results. Quantitative sensory tests were performed on both hands and feet. These same tests have been repeated in normal healthy controls to comprise an extensive database as generated and held by the German Neuropathic Pain Network (DFNS) (8). These normal data are distributed within the shaded area (mean at 0 ± 2 SDs). Data from our subject are reported as z-score profiles for each sensory test as depicted here. z Score is defined as the SD of the recorded result from the mean normal data result. Each data point is discrete, however, they are connected for graphical illustration as a z profile. Quantitative sensory tests included: CDT (cold detection threshold), WDT (warm detection threshold), TSL (thermal sensory limen), CPT (cold pain threshold), HPT (heat pain threshold), PPT (pressure pain threshold), MPT (mechanical pain threshold), MPS (mechanical pain sensitivity), WUR (wind up ratio), MDT (medical detection threshold), and VDT (vibration detection threshold). All tests to the control site were within normal limits. Hypersensitivity to heat pain is demonstrated by a lowered HPT in the feet. Hyposensitivity to deep pressure (PPT) and vibration (VDT) is also seen in the feet. These abnormal sensitivities may be attributable to thickening of the skin at the test site. Additionally, the presence of paradoxical heat sensations was tested using TSL. Three paradoxical heat sensations were recorded in the feet (an abnormally high number), whilst there were none in the hands.