(a) Three-colour tiling and (b) five-colour tiling of the LC phases formed by a quaternary X-shaped polyphile; dark green, RF-chains; yellow, RSi-chains; different green/yellow scales, mixed cells with different mixing ratios as indicated beside the models; (black rods, rod-like cores; blue dots, glycerols); (c,e) experimental GISAXS patterns of aligned samples of (c) the three-colour tiling LC phase with p2mm symmetry at T = 150°C and (e) the five-colour tiling LC phase with c2mm symmetry at T = 175°C; (d,f) show the corresponding textures as observed by polarizing microscopy between crossed polarizers for (d) the three-colour tiling LC phase at T = 150°C and (f) the five-colour tiling LC phase at T = 175°C [61].