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. 2012 Sep 11;7(9):e44279. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0044279

Table 1. Origins, chemical and physical parameters of the five french soils used.

Soil Collection site Origin Clay Fineloam Coarseloam Finesand Coarsesand OrganicCarbon Total N C/N CaCO3 pH
C Agricultural Site Crop soil 504 180 145 73 98 24.9 2.8 9 102 7.75
E INRA Experimental Site Crop soil 392 320 228 34 26 16.5 1.65 10 2 7
F Forest Observatory Plot Forest soil 101 167 205 217 310 103.3 3.1 34 <1 3.8
L INRA Experimental Site ACBB Lusignan Grassland 175 369 304 73 79 13.2 1.33 9.92 <1 6.6
R INRA Experimental Site Crop soil 79 66 44 315 496 50.2 2.16 23.3 22 7.5

Clay, fine loam, coarse loam, fine sand and coarse sand, organic carbon, total N and calcium carbonate are given in mg.g−1.