Fig. 5. Inhibition of miR-210 reverses trophoblast mitochondrial respiration.
(A) miR-210 expression in trophoblast cells pre-transfected with antagomiR-210 (100nM for 48h) and treated with DFO (200μM for 24h). CT values were normalized to U18 expression. The parameters calculated from XF24 measurements: (B) Basal respiration (C) ATP coupled respiration. (D) Maximum respiration, (E) Spare capacity, (F) Proton leak, and (G) Non mitochondrial respiration. Relative OCR is expressed as the fold change with respect to the untreated control cells. Values are mean ± SEM from 8-10 technical replicates from n=3 experiments (separate placentas) performed on different days*, P<0.05 vs. control; #, p<0.05 vs. 200μM DFO.