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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2013 Sep 6.
Published in final edited form as: Neuron. 2012 Sep 6;75(5):810–823. doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2012.07.007

Figure 5. AP-1-mediated somatodendritic sorting of TfR involves exclusion from axonal carriers at the level of the soma.

Figure 5

(A) Still image of a neuron (DIV8) expressing transgenic GFP-tagged µ1A (grayscale) taken from time-lapse, live-cell imaging shown in Movie S1. Arrow points to the AIS and arrowheads indicate the axon. Box highlights a bifurcation to a dendrite (left) and an axon (right). Scale bar: 10 µm.

(B) Orthogonal analysis from box in A (X plane crossing the proximal segment of dendrite and axon, and Z corresponding to 600 s of recording) shows µ1A-GFP-containing particles crossing the X plane of the dendrite but not the axon over the time course of the experiment. See also Movie S1. Movie S2 shows axonal exclusion of TfRYFP.

(C, D) Single frames from Movie S3 (top) and kymographs (bottom) of TfR-GFP-containing particles moving along 50 µm of Tau-CFP-positive axons in neurons (DIV10) co-expressing mCherry-tagged µ1A-WT or µ1A-W408S. Lines with negative (blue) and positive (red) slopes in the kymographs rep resent particles moving in anterograde and retrograde directions, respectively. Vertical lines represent particles that are stationary during 30 s of recording.

(E) Quantification of the number of TfR-GFP-containing particles per 100 µm of axon in 30 s of recording time. Ant: anterograde, Ret: retrograde, Stat: stationary. Values are mean ± SD of the number of particles (np) indicated in the figure. (*) p<0.01.

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