Figure 3.
Pseudo-plateau bursting exists in the (partial) unfolding (4) of a doubly-degenerate Bogdanov–Takens singularity. Panel (a) shows the bifurcation diagram on the unit sphere in (μ1, μ2, ν)-space with b = 0.75. Color in on-line version: red, homoclinic (HC); blue, Hopf bifurcation (H; solid: supercritical, dashed: subcritical); black, saddle-node (SN); orange, Bogdanov–Takens point (BT); green, saddle node of periodics (SNP); degenerate Hopf and cusp are labeled DH and C, respectively. Panels (b) and (c) show time series and underlying bifurcation diagram of pseudo-plateau bursting corresponding to the path indicated in panel (a).