15d-PGJ2 reduces Mn-induced activation of NF-κB in astrocytes. NF-κB expression was examined by the detection of the p65 subunit. Astrocytes were pretreated for 2 h with (A) 15 d-PGJ2 (10 µM) or (B) LY29004 (20 µM) before treatment with Mn (500 µM) for 6 h. Nuclear fractions were immunoblotted for the NF-κB p65 subunit. (C) Intracellular localization of NF-κB was examined by the detection of p65 with immunocytochemistry upon treatment with Mn, 15 d-PGJ2, or 15d-PGJ2 plus Mn for the indicated incubation time periods. Data are means±SEM (n=4) (A, B). Imaging sections are representative of six examined sections. ***p<0.001 compared to the controls, #p<0.05, ###p<0.001 compared to the matched groups, @@@p<0.01.