Deposition of Storage Xyloglucan during Nasturtium Seed Development.
(A) Morphological development of seeds 12–25 d post anthesis (dpa). The cotyledons increase considerably in size from 12 to 18 dpa.
(B) Analysis of xyloglucan deposition by quantitative carbohydrate dot blots. Each successive dot represents a twofold dilution and each set of dot blots in 16 and 23 dpa, respectively, have equal amount of spotted material, so the signal intensities for the two antibodies can be compared. The signal intensities of the individual dots were quantified for each antibody and fitted to a linear regression, hence the slope being representative of antibody reactivity.
(C) Antibody reactivities from (B) represented as total non-fucosylated xyloglucan (CCRC-M100) over fucosylated xyloglucan (CCRC-M1). The carbohydrate dot blot analysis was done on single seeds, two to three seeds for each dpa, and with two technical replicas. Standard error is shown.