The Italian population plotted onto the first two principal components defined by the European HGDP-CEPH populations and CEU HapMap data. Scatter plot of the first two principal components, obtained using R software (prcomp). Analysis based on 125,799 autosomal SNPs. Individuals included belong to Northern Italy (N-IT): black dots, Central Italy (C-IT): red dots, Southern Italy (S-IT): green dots, Sardinian (SAR): blue dots, CEU HapMap (CEU); light blue dots, Beduoin (BED): purple dots, Druze (DRU): yellow dots, Mozabite (MOZ): black triangles, Palestinian (PAL): red triangles, French (FRE): green triangles. The top 100 Eigenvectors and associated Eigenvalues for this plot are given in Supplementary Material: Figure S2 (panel a).