Possible mechanisms for decoding the information from the integrated signaling response. A: Signal magnitude: in the depicted incoherent feed forward loop motif the active protein X activates both Y and Z, but Y inhibits Z. Dependent on the amount of X and the activation sensitivity of either Y or Z, the network stabilizes in favor of Y or Z, and thus for cell fate A or B. Since the integral of the signal determines the amount of X, it can be directly correlated to cell fate. B: Signal duration: in the coherent feed forward loop, the first activated molecule X not only activates Y, but also supports its function to induce Z. Dependent on the temporal availability of X, only Y is activated or additionally Z, which can be translated to cell fate A or B. Lines with empty circles: reaction catalysis; lines with perpendicular bars: reaction inhibition; crossed circle: unspecified source or sink. Layout according to Systems Biology Graphical Notation 39.