Fig. 5.
Micrographs from time-lapse videos of the cells in cortical astrocyte culture on porous PDMS membranes in static culture module I after culture for (A) 4 days and (B) 14 days indicating, that the cells within the pores were pulled out by the cells on the non-pore areas (arrows); after culture for (C) 35 days and (D) 51 days indicating the cells on the non-pore areas (arrows) were pulled towards the pores by the cells within the pores. (E, F) Fluorescence micrographs of type 1 astrocytes on porous PDMS membranes in static culture module I after culture for 30 days and stained a live with MitoTracker® Red indicating the cells (arrows) around the pore were pulled towards the pores and deformed. Bar = 100 μm.