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. 2011 Aug 12;2(6):1105–1109. doi: 10.3892/etm.2011.333

Table I.

Patient clinical and pathological characteristics.

No. of patients (%)
Age (years)
  Median 53
  Range 32–75
Menopausal status
  Pre-menopause 21 (43.8)
  Postmenopause 27 (56.3)
Tumor stage
  0 1 (2.1)
  1 5 (10.4)
  2 31 (64.6)
  3 6 (12.5)
  4 5 (10.4)
Nodal stage
  N0 29 (60.5)
  N1 17 (35.5)
  N2 1 (2.0)
  Unknown 1 (2.0)
Nuclear grade
  1 12 (25.0)
  2 10 (20.8)
  3 26 (54.2)
  Positive 28 (58.3)
  Negative 20 (41.7)
  Positive 16 (33.3)
  Negative 32 (66.7)
  0 12 (25.0)
  1+ 22 (45.8)
  2+ 6 (12.5)
  3+ 7 (14.6)
  Unknown 1 (2.1)
Subtypes of breast cancer
  Luminal A 8 (16.7)
  Luminal B 20 (41.7)
  HER2+ 5 (10.3)
  Triple negative 15 (31.3)
Pathological response
  Grade 0 3 (6.3)
  Grade 1a 22 (45.8)
  Grade 1b 10 (20.8)
  Grade 2 6 (12.5)
  Grade 3 5 (10.4)
  Unknown 2 (4.2)

Pathological response defined as grade 0, no chemotherapeutic change in remnant cancer cells; grade 1a, 0–1/3 of remnant cancer cells in degeneration or necrosis; grade 1b, 1/3–2/3; grade 2, >2/3; grade 3, no viable cancer cells in duct and stroma. ER, estrogen receptor; PR, progesterone receptor; HER2, human epidermal growth factor-2; IHC, immunohistochemistry.