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. 2012 Jul 11;7:28. doi: 10.1186/1747-597X-7-28

Table 4.

Predicted smoking and drinking response to cigarette price—by age group, BRFSS 2001-6(a)

  Current Smoking
Current Drinking
Binge Drinking
Heavy Drinking
Percentage point change(c) Percentage point change(c) Percentage point change(c,d) Percentage point change(c)
N = 1,323,758(b)
Age group
65 and older 1.43* 3.72*** -1.95** 0.05

Notes: Models included covariates for gender, poverty status, race/ethnicity, co-habitating partner status, employment status, educational level, beer price (six-pack), magnitude of state smokefree laws, state poverty rate.

BRFSS = Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System Surveys.

*p < .05, **p ≤ .01, ***p < .001, using t-tests, df =1,320,358, for current smoking, current drinking, and heavy drinking, df =1,047,879 for binge drinking.

(a) Weighted data are presented to reflect the complex sampling design of Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) 2001-2006.

(b) This is sample used for all analyses, except as noted.

(c) Percentage point change reflects predicted changes in smoking and drinking pattern response to a $1 increase in state cigarette price.

(d) N = 1,050,573. Includes observations for 2001-2005 only due to change in definition of binge drinking in 2006.

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