Project location
Mpanda and Kigoma districts
Kilosa district
Lindi rural district
Total project area (ha)
85,200 ha
148,825 ha
93,800 ha
Major drivers of deforestation and forest degradation
Unsustainable timber extraction and fuel wood collection; Shifting cultivation; Pasture (grazing cattle)
Unsustainable charcoal production; Shifting cultivation
Unsustainable charcoal production; Shifting cultivation
Forest type
Masito and Ugalla forests
Eastern Arc Forests
Coastal forest
Project objectves / activities
Conservation and alternative income generation
Conservation and alternative income generation
Conservation and alternative income generation
Current status
In the project description development phase
Project description for VCS finalised
In the project description development phase
Annual deforestation rate over the past 10 years |
1.8% |
0.35% |
1.55% |