Figure 4 .
Gene expression uncoupling is consistent with a hypothesis of lack of dependence between transcriptome and translatome variations. Results in agreement with the lack of dependence hypothesis are labeled with a green square, while results rejecting the lack of dependence hypothesis are labeled with a red square. (A) Likelihood Ratio p-values, testing the hypothesis that the numbers of DEGs in the transcriptome and the translatome are different, result significant for 17 of 19 datasets (P < 0.01). (B) The overlap observed between transcriptome and translatome DEGs is never significantly higher than its random estimate (random overlap P > 0.01 in 19 out of 19 datasets). (C) Mutual information observed between transcriptome and translatome is never significantly higher than its random estimate (random mutual information P > 0.01 in 19 out of 19 datasets). Theoretical mutual information minima and maxima are also calculated for each dataset as explained in Methods. The positions of the real mutual information values inside the range defined by the theoretical minima and maxima are visualized as grey histograms.